R&D Activities on cooling in PH-DT group
Participants: P.Petagna, J.Godlewski, P.Tropea, A.Mapelli, A.Moraux, G.Nuessle, J.Daguin, J.Noite, J.Noel, J.Swierblewski, R.Dumps, L.Zwalinski, B.VerlaatCurrent activities
"On Detector" Thermal Management - study of different "customized" solutions for thermal contact
First case-study of direct chip cooling technique through a coupled micro-channel circulation plate for NA62 "GIGA-TRACKER"
Study on new class of physical sensors - optical-fiber based Relative Humidity sensors
Process modeling and dynamic simulations study focusing this technique on the application of future detector cooling plants
Studies on remote repairing of leaks in detector cooling plants and on correlations between measured leak rates and fluid loss
Activities are performed in the frame of Detector Cooling Project.