Project Leader: A.Catinaccio
We have, over the past 10 years, fully engineered and developed the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT); a detector based on proportional straw tubes.
We had major responsibilities on the design and calculation, development, prototyping, testing, procurement, production tooling and methods, final assembly, installation and commissioning of both TRT End Caps and on a large part of the TRT barrel.
Our team, with Andrea Catinaccio as Project Engineer of the ATLAS Inner Detector(ID), was also responsible for the integration and installation of the whole ID in 2006 and 2007, at the heart of the ATLAS experiment.
Links and Bulletin articles:
ATLAS end-caps on the move
Installation of ATLAS Inner Detector EndCap C
ATLAS Inner Detector End-Cap
ATLAS Inner Detector End-Cap A
SCT and TRT detectors
The first Inner Detector End-Cap is lowered into the cavern
Final Assembly of ATLAS SCT EndCap into TRT EndCap
Inner Detector installation of ATLAS SCT and TRT barrel into the ATLAS cavern
ID Barrel installed in cryostat
ATLAS's inner detector installed in the heart of the experiment
Clean tracks for ATLAS
TRT and SCT barrels merge
Two ATLAS trackers become one
Discovery Mondays - Food for thought: from super fluid to super gel
The detector with the golden wires!
Parcours Alph@: a 'fitness trail' for your little grey cells...
CMS and ATLAS honour their suppliers